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Lost days, pictures fade.
Camp Day 3!!!!!!
Thursday, July 29, 2010

After breakfast, we all started off with our CIP . It is really tiring but fun , we have a long walk from places to places. Out of the blue , Hui ru fall sick , but we never left her behind. After that we successfully reach our ending point , tired yet contented. Dinner and shower time came pass so quickly that we hardly noticed. The sky is getting darker and darker , the lights which is given out by the flames of the camp fire made the whole ampitheater up , series of activities came up. Our camp chief Azlan , 2nd I/C Yeung and other trainers planned the campfire close to perfection that we hardly can imagine. The Guest-of-honour , Mr Muru lit up the camp fire , that we are all waiting for. After 2 hours the flames were put out by Mr Muru once again . Although the campfire was finished , we felt that it was too early to stop . As the camp chief say , the things which we have gone through today well be never repeated again. We really had a good day today , all due to our trainers and teachers! :D

Jing wen
Syafiq, 2E5 bloggers. :P
Out from the camp. 2322.