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Lost days, pictures fade.
Camp Day 3!!!!!!
Thursday, July 29, 2010

After breakfast, we all started off with our CIP . It is really tiring but fun , we have a long walk from places to places. Out of the blue , Hui ru fall sick , but we never left her behind. After that we successfully reach our ending point , tired yet contented. Dinner and shower time came pass so quickly that we hardly noticed. The sky is getting darker and darker , the lights which is given out by the flames of the camp fire made the whole ampitheater up , series of activities came up. Our camp chief Azlan , 2nd I/C Yeung and other trainers planned the campfire close to perfection that we hardly can imagine. The Guest-of-honour , Mr Muru lit up the camp fire , that we are all waiting for. After 2 hours the flames were put out by Mr Muru once again . Although the campfire was finished , we felt that it was too early to stop . As the camp chief say , the things which we have gone through today well be never repeated again. We really had a good day today , all due to our trainers and teachers! :D

Jing wen
Syafiq, 2E5 bloggers. :P
Out from the camp. 2322.

Camp Day3

During the CIP activity.
No of stations : 5

Camp Day2
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

isma semangat!!!!!!!

boys helping each other....

wan xin is leading her team !!!!

me !!!

zhiting look here :]

yiting on the go ;]

isma on the go :]

jingwen here ^^

1st day @ the camp
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

our instructor : pasti (sure ?? )
After a long journey we finally reach the camp, we assembled at the field. We got ready to pitch a tent. However with our group's teamwork, we succeed. After lunch we went to our wet activities like kayaking, raft making and Milo pond. These activities built up our courage, patience and teamwork. Our class was really bonding together. After dinner, we had our Night Walk. We faced a lot of difficulties like muddy spots, fallen branches and logs. Overall, it was a tiring day for us.


Jing Wen

Pee Chun Wee

Muhd Syafiq

Mr Raju....10:35 pm




1st post , 1 day before camp.
Monday, July 26, 2010

Camp is coming tomorrow . Gonna post more tomorrow~!